What I Do


Do you feel like you are holding onto negative or overwhelming memories, treatment, or experiences from your past in a way that is still harming you? A current response to past trauma may be making it more difficult for you to pursue what you want - from your career, to relationships, to social interactions and activities. In our sessions, your experiences and emotions will be given the importance and attention they deserve, never to be dismissed. You will be encouraged to speak and feel without censoring yourself, without holding back, without fearing that what you share will be met with offense or denial. I will help you focus on reworking the difficult experiences of your past, while accompanying you with care and compassion the whole way. The pathway to healing from trauma is challenging, but offers you the freedom of choice and agency that remaining in a trauma response cannot.


Is anxiety preventing you from living your life to the fullest? If you are reacting to current situations with an outsized sense of worry or dread, avoiding activities you could enjoy because you are afraid of what might happen, anxiety has too much of a hold on your life. Think of a time where your anxiety either stopped you from doing something, or made it much harder to enjoy how you spend your days. Imagine being able to make decisions or take action without having to expect the worst case scenario. You can decrease the power anxiety holds over you by talking through your overwhelming thoughts, fears of judgment from others, and worries about the future. By identifying when your anxiety is doing more to harm than to help and releasing some of the fears that make it feel necessary to worry, you can create a life of more ease and peace for yourself.


Are you feeling confused or unsatisfied and looking to better connect with your body and the pleasure it can provide? I can help you - with or without your partner - to explore your fantasies and desires around nontraditional relationships, kinks, gender, and expression. You will be encouraged to think through the vast array of possibilities that are attractive to you to identify what you want to pursue, with the encouragement and support to act on them at the pace and timeline that works for you and your relationships. I particularly enjoy guiding couples through the process of opening up their relationship, helping to navigate and resolve both the complicated feelings and logistics that can be stirred up by exploring nonmonogamy. Reach out if you are interested in help with bringing back the spark to your relationship, exploring your sexual orientation, or expanding the options available to you and your partner.


Is your relationship feeling suffocating, unfairly imbalanced, or otherwise unsustainable? You and your partner may feel trapped in routines and fights that have developed over the course of your relationship. The trouble in your relationship likely feels like it is all the other person’s fault, but you also know that it takes two to tango, and relationship dynamics are co-created. As a neutral, third party to your relationship, I can help you and your partner hear what you’re missing in each other’s dissatisfaction. I want to help you learn how to communicate well again not only so you can reignite the spark that initially brought you together, but to bring balance, fairness, and longevity to a relationship that you are not ready to end. This can mean renegotiating the way you divide the labor of the household and childrearing, the way you spend intimate time together, and the way you give each other the space and grace - or don’t - to make decisions and mistakes for yourselves and each other.

Individual Sessions
per hour
Couples Sessions
per hour

I can provide superbills for out-of-network benefit reimbursement

- Kind Words -

"Courtney is the most talented therapist with whom I’ve worked over the last 45 years. Past counselors have come to the table with different methods and attitudes, and with varying levels of compatibility. What Courtney has done effectively is teach me how to take care of my own mental health. She’s guided me in looking at the language I use, altering my perspective when it’s appropriate, and working through difficult situations on my own. Her openness and nonjudgmental nature allow her to focus on her client’s true needs. I’m genuinely a better and happier human thanks to her help."

- Laura P. -

I'm here for you

Are you ready to get on the path to happier days? Get in touch with me so you can get started.